Hey Parents!

From February 5-26 (end date may move if we have a snow day), we’ll be teaching a special series titled “Made” and we’ll be talking about Sex. We will split the High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers for the speaking portion of the night, like we do for Small Groups, because the presentation of this topic is very age specific.

When it comes to sex, students have certain ideas and expectations of what it should—or shouldn’t—be about. But what if all those thoughts and ideas are actually missing the mark? In this series, as we take a look at God’s design for sex, we’ll discover that there’s more to it than we think.

We fully recognize students are at varying levels of maturity and awareness of the topics we will be discussing. We also know that parents are at varying levels of conviction and preference when it comes to the best way to approach this topic.  So, here are a few clarifying points about this series:

  • This series is not a “sex ed course”.
  • This series is a conversation on God’s design for sex.
  • This series is not rated G.
  • This series is rated PG-13. There will be honest conversations about the impact of sexual activity in our world, but in a way that honors God.
  • This series is not just about sex.
  • This series is about finding a deep fulfillment that is only found in a healthy relationship with God and the role sexual   purity/integrity can play in that healthy relationship.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, this series IS NOT intended to take the place of conversations that should be happening between students and parents. It IS intended to come alongside conversations that we hope are taking place between students and parents. As we address this topic, there may be some valuable opportunities for dialogue to be opened between parents and students. In an effort to help keep you in the loop, the videos and small group questions are below, as well as sending home conversation starters for you. We are on your team.

-Pastor Ryan and the Woodstock Youth Team

Middle School Series


A four-week series about God’s plan for sex in our lives. Parent Resource

WEEK 1: Because God made you, you are fearfully & wonderfully made. (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 2: Because God made us all, all of us are valuable. (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 3: Because God made sex, sexual things matter. (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 4: Because God made you, you are in control of your own body. (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

High School Series

A four-week series about God’s plan for sex in our lives. Parent Resource

WEEK 1: Others weren’t made to be objects. (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 2: Sex was made to matter (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 3: You were made to be the boss of your body (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)

WEEK 4: You were made for more than sex (Video) (Small Group Discussion Questions)